The Global Trade Management working group is celebrating its 10-year anniversary. One hundred and forty-six: that's how many members the Global Trade ...
Demo: Manage Trading Contract App
In this blog we want to show you the first native Fiori App for Global Trade Management (GTM). Since S/4HANA 2022 SAP delivers the Manage Tr...
ABAP Quickfix for S4 Conversions: An Eclipse ADT Plugin
In December our dear colleague Dr. Lawrence Cabac had the privilege of talking at the #ABAPConf 2022! He shared his knowledge on ABAP Quickfixes for S...
Extending the TEW Selection Tool in SAP GTM
Hello and welcome back to our "Tips & Tricks" area here at the ADventas Blog! Today we want to share with you how to extend the TEW Selection...
With these Shortcuts Navigating Through Trading Contracts Has Never Been Easier
What is the fastest way to write a text? Exactly - by typing with ten fingers. And with using apps it's almost the same: You're faster with the functi...
How To Change A Trading Contracts Association Fast
It's always good to know how to change a trading contract's position fast. Therefore we created a step-by-step-guide for you to have in case you ...
How To Set Up Your SAPGUI Parameters In An Easy And Efficient Way
Sooner or later every user has to face the situation where he has to set up his SAPGUI parameters. So we wnated to give you some insights on how we no...
How can an error in a TEW step be recovered, that occurred during the generation of follow-on documents?
If you execute a TEW step, during the generation of follow-on documents an error can occur. This is displayed in the Global Trade Management tab ...
How can I change the colors of SAPGUI per System and Client in Quartz or Belize Theme?
For sure it happend to you as well that you changed data in the wrong system or client. This is not just embarrassing, but can also have serious...
Five New GTM Features You Should Know About
Within the last 12-month SAP has published notes, which are not just bug fixes, but contain new features of GTM. In this blog I explain, which are tho...
Just Questions - No More Answers
Dear SAP community, I write to you today to let you know, that my activities on the platform have come to an unexpected end....
DSAG Workgroup Welcomes Stock Transfer Posting With TEW And Association In S/4HANA1809
Stock shipment is becoming increasingly important for global trading houses in the 21st century. Many intenational traders maintain their own producti...
When Manufacturers Become Traders
The E-3 magazine makes an opinion and says confidently about itself: "No other German-speaking special interest magazine has similarly many opinions a...
Commissioning And Monitoring Of Transports In Conjunction With Global Trade Management
On 23 March 2017, the DSAG Working Group on Global Trade Management met in Kassel. On the agenda were new requirements for trading companies and...
Peter Langner Is SAP Developer Hero 2016
The Developer Heroes program was launched at SAP TechEd 2014 by the SAP Developer Relations team to celebrate and recognize the achievements and the a...