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The ADventas Consulting Blog

A collection of our knowledge, experience and tips on SAP GTM as well as S/4HANA

2 minutes reading time (398 words)

How To Set Up Your SAPGUI Parameters In An Easy And Efficient Way


Sooner or later every user has to face the situation where he has to set up his SAPGUI parameters. So we wnated to give you some insights on how we normally do such a set-up and what proofed to be the most efficient way for us regarding this topic.

So let’s get started!

1) Choosing the right theme

In general it’s always a good choice to work with the latest SAP theme to give every SAP application the same “look and feel”, Inthis way, you as a consultant, can show you’re using state-of-the-art software.

This comes in handy especially when you’re e.g. Managing a S/4HANA migration because then your customers are able to get to know SAP S/4HANA’s latest features.

2) Language settings

Usually we log on to SAPGUI in English exept the customer wishes to use German. The reason for the use of the english language here, is that application development is normally done in English, to make everything easier for the SAP support team. The same goes for customizing. It is usually done in English and we translate into German, if desired.

3) Show keys

With this adjustment you can instantly see the key being used in customizing.

4) Show system name

With this adjustment you can determine the system of a screenshot you took of a transaction.

5) Show error messages

This adjustment is important to have the possability to find the message class and the message number in the latest theme.

6) OneDrive

Syncronizing content plays an important role here, as it often does: Only if the configuration file can be found in OneDrive, it can be saved there and recovered as well e.g. in case of a laptop loss.

7) Quantity of history characters

This is the last but certainly not least adjustment, because by increasing the number of the history's characters, fields like e.g. intercoms get a history by hovering the cursor over the field and pressing the space key.

So - this is the base we're building on when it comes to SAPGUI parameters.

Which of these adjustment are you already using? What kind of tips do you have for us?

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