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The ADventas Consulting Blog

A collection of our knowledge, experience and tips on SAP GTM as well as S/4HANA

1 minute reading time (57 words)

Why SAP Mentors Matter

SAP Mentors are the most influential community participants in the SAP ecosystem. This group is made up of 160 bloggers, consultants, and technical wizards nominated by the community and selected by the SAP Mentors Advisory Board to keep SAP relevant. What you do changes the strategy of the company says Steve Lucas, Global President SAP Platform Solution.

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​Peter Langner Is SAP Developer Hero 2016
SAP TechEd 2013 Amsterdam: Jam Band Or Band Jam?


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Saturday, 27 July 2024


ADventas Consulting GmbH
Peter Langner
Kattjahren 8
22359 Hamburg

Tel.  +49 (40) 6055 9401
Fax  +49 (40) 6055 9400
Mob +49 (151) 1221 4867