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Der ADventas Consulting Blog

Eine Sammlung unseres Wissens, unserer Erfahrungen und Tipps zu SAP GTM sowie S/4HANA.

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Demo: Manage Trading Contract App


In this blog we want to show you the first native Fiori App for Global Trade Management (GTM). Since S/4HANA 2022 SAP delivers the Manage Trading Contracts App (App ID F6649) for GTM.  

The purpose of this App is to get an overview of the trading contracts in the system. 

The user can display or change the trading contracts in the list, and he can also create a new trading contract from the app.

The filter criteria as well as the displayed data are header data from the trading contract. Which filters are shown can be selected by the user as well as the displayed data of the trading contract itself.

Via a toggle button, columns which are not visible due to the width of the screen can be displayed in a second or third row. 

Clicking on the arrow at the end of each line the trading contract is displayed.

Clicking on the trading contract number gives the user the possibility to change the trading contract. Clicking on the business partner number lets you manage the partner. The content of the list can be exported e.g. to excel. Supported devices are desktop and tablet.

The App is the successor of transaction WB25. 

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ADventas Consulting GmbH
Peter Langner
Kattjahren 8
22359 Hamburg

Tel.  +49 (40) 6055 9401
Fax  +49 (40) 6055 9400
